45 Snacks You Can Make In Five Minutes Or Less


45 Snacks You Can Make In Five Minutes Or Less


In this quick guide, I have compiled 45 snack ideas you can prepare in 5 minutes or less. These can be healthy snacks that will help you control your hunger, as well as some treats to satisfy your sweet tooth or cravings.


If you're at a loss for what to eat, try one of these snacks! All of them are ready in less than 5 minutes and all of them rank high in protein, fiber and nutrients. I keep most of these ingredients on hand at all times so that when my stomach starts rumbling for something savory or sweet, I can quickly whip up one of my favorite snacks. Enjoy!


1. Cheese

With an abundance of proteins and healthy fats, cheese is a great food to snack on! Most of the recipes below contain dairy products so they are perfect if you're following a dairy-free diet. You can also use other ingredients such as nuts or cereal as boosters instead of cheese to increase your fiber intake. This will make them higher in protein as well.

2. Nuts

Nuts are one of my favorite snacks for when I'm feeling hungry! They are high in calories and protein but don't have all the bad fats from saturated fat found in some other snacks such as cookies and chips. If you're craving something sweet, you can top your nuts off with raw honey to complete the sweet tooth craving.

3. Fruits

Fruits are some of the best snacks for a healthy diet. They are low calorie, low in saturated fats and high in fiber to keep your tummy satisfied. If you have a sweet tooth craving you can serve your fruit as a decoration on your plate or snack on it with a spoon (such as strawberries). Fruits are also high in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C which is great if you have anemia or need to increase your intake of iron.

4. Vegetables

Vegetables are probably the least appetizing snack on this list, but they can be quite tasty if you dress them up! You can chop up your veggies into sticks and dip them in homemade hummus or salsa. Feel free to add some olive oil and sea salt for taste. Or you can boil or steam your veggies until they are soft, then mix them with some protein powder or other supplement powders for a crunchy snack with a lot of protein!

5. Yogurt

Probiotics are great for improving digestion as well as keeping your tummy healthy in general. If you don't like yogurt, you can add some probiotics to your smoothies or food when you cook.

6. Apples

Apples are high in fiber, low in calories and are a wonderful snack to satisfy your sweet tooth or cravings. You can dip them in homemade peanut butter or chocolate as an appetizer or snack. Or if you're feeling kind of hungry and sitting down at your computer, I recommend eating an apple with a spoon!

7. Oatmeal

Oats are a wonderful source of fiber. They also help keep your blood sugar stabilized so you don't experience the crazy sugar highs and lows that can happen while snacking on junk food. You can make oatmeal in just a few minutes and it will last for a few days in your refrigerator if you're eating it as breakfast. Add some fruit, nuts or other foods to add more flavor and nutrients to this super-food snack! 8. Whole Grain Crackers

Whole-grain crackers provide a heartier snack than most of the snacks on this list.

